How to reach us

Diano Marina is in Ligury, in the province of Imperia.
You can reach Diano by car, by train or by plane.
Once arrived at Diano, please follow this map and you'll find our offices and holiday residences.

Per raggiungere Diano Marina in auto è consigliabile arrivare dall'autostrada A10 detta Dei Fiori.
All'uscita del casello di San Bartolomeo al Mare scendere per circa un chilometro fino alla Strada Statale 1 Aurelia, imboccandola verso destra.
Dopo due chilometri circa si arriva a Diano Marina.

Nizza: 45 minuti
Genova: 1 ora
Torino: 2 ore

The train station of Diano Marina is in the centre of the town.
The main railway network is the Genoa - Ventimiglia one, which assures an efficient service to those who want to reach Diano by train.
Look up the trains in the official railway timetable (

Diano Marina is near to two main international airports:
- the airport "Cristoforo Colombo" of Genoa (
- the airport "Côte d'Azur" of Nice (